1 SAR TO PKR Rate Today Open Market Rate

1 SAR = 74.25 PKR Buying Rate

1 SAR = 74.8 PKR Selling Rate

Last Rates Updated at: 3:00:01 AM 2025-02-19

Last 7 Day SAR to PKR Rates Forecast Table
DateBuying RatesSelling Rates

Today according to open market rates 1 SAR to PKR is 74.25 Pakistani Rupee Buying Rate and 74.8 Pakistani Rupee Selling Rate. On normal business days, the currency rate of SAR to PKR is quite stable. However, few exceptions depending on the political and overall economic situations of both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Our converter tool provides you accurate and most updated rate of SAR to PKR.

Saudi Arabian Riyal

The current currency of Saudi Arabia is Saudi Riyal, denoted as SAR. The subdivisions of Saudi Riyal are Halalas, and 100 halalas makes one Riyal. Although Saudi Riyal is one of the strongest and stable currencies, yet the global oil prices and attacks on an oil field in 2019 affected the currency rate and overall economy of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Riyal has its ancestry from the Ottoman Era and was known as the currency of Hijaz. Later on, when the Saud family acquired the ottoman Empire and announced their governance, the Hijazi Riyal was in circulation. Later in 1963, the current system formed with halala and riyal system.

The denomination of halala are 5,10,25 and 50 halalas called ghirsh, meaning (coin). In 2016 Monetary Agency also initiated coins of 1- and 2 riyals. The paper currency or banknotes were generated from monetary agency 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500 SAR. The SAR is in its 6th generation having pictures of King Salman Bin Abdulaziz AL Saud on 50 and 100 SAR banknotes.

Saudi Arabian Riyal to Pakistani Rupees; SAR to PKR

According to Pakistan's current foreign policy, Saudi Arabia is the most important and bilateral partner of Pakistan. Being the host of the two most sacred places of Muslims, Pakistan has pledged with the Saudi Government to cooperate in all aspects. Either security or maintenance, Pakistan supports Saudi Arabia's stance on most platforms. Furthermore, the Pakistani Army, teachers, and Doctors provide their services on Friendly ties among both nations.

Huge Remittance from Pakistani Citizens in KSA

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is the strongest financial supporter of Pakistan and never fails to help in Natural disasters and Pakistan's prosperity. Besides, many Pakistani citizens are working in Saudi Arabia and sending huge amounts of remittances yearly. Therefore the accurate rate in the open market of SAR to PKR is essential for dealing on a personal basis and business grounds.

Second highest Number of Pilgrims

Pakistan Citizens perform Hajj and Umrah in huge numbers despite being an underdeveloped country. Strong religious backgrounds are improving these numbers yearly, and therefore the pilgrims visiting Makkah and Madina have to know the current and accurate SAR to PKR rate. Although the Pakistani rupee is fluctuating more often in the last ten years and is unstable yet SAR to PKR is the most commonly exchanged currency in Pakistan.

Easy and Accurate Currency Converter

We provide the best and accurate currency converter that provides you instant calculations according to the updated currency exchange rate in the open market. Whatever field you are working in, either personal purpose or business matters or visiting the holy places, you can use our converter tool according to your ease.