1 NZD TO PKR Rate Today Open Market Rate

1 NZD = 155.42 PKR Buying Rate

1 NZD = 157.42 PKR Selling Rate

Last Rates Updated at: 4:00:01 AM 2025-02-19

Last 7 Day NZD to PKR Rates Forecast Table
DateBuying RatesSelling Rates

Today according to open market rates 1 NZD to PKR is 155.42 Pakistani Rupee Buying Rate and 157.42 Pakistani Rupee Selling Rate. Both currencies face fluctuations in the currency exchange rate depending on economic and political conditions in the country.

NZD; New Zealand Dollar

NZD is ISO code for New Zealand Dollar and abbreviated as NZD, and 1 NZD consists of 100 cents. There are five denominations of 5 banknotes, and five coins with the least denominations are 10-cent coins.

New Zealand Dollar is among the ten most traded currencies globally. According to a survey, it represents 2.0% of global foreign exchange of daily turnover. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand issues the banknotes and coins.

NZ$. It's an official currency of New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, the Ross Dependency, Tokelau, and the Pitcairn Islands.

New Zealand and Pakistan Economic Relations

New Zealand and Pakistan share admirable and progressive economic relationships for a long time. The trade relations among both nations boosted after 'JTC' was held in Wellington. New Zealand exports goods to Pakistan worth around $24.4 million in 2004 and later NZ$ 85 million in 2007. The investments from NZD to PKR remained limited in 2012, yet the pumps, dairy products, wool products, and animal product export were consistent. However, Pakistan exports linen, carpets, and cereals.

Pakistani Citizens in New Zealand

Around 5000 Pakistani Citizens who live in New Zealand send many remittances from NZD to PKR. Moreover, New Zealand is a beloved tourist spot, and a good number of Pakistani visits to New Zealand are an essential need developing people-to-people links.

New Zealand and Pakistan's economic ties developed relations and progressed with certain hurdles but never reached dead ends. Whether it's a sport like cricket or tourism promotion, both nations worked out the developing strategies peacefully and cooperatively.

Educational Programs

In 2009, after a meeting in Islamabad between the High Commissioner of New Zealand and Pakistan, announced that the HEC would cooperate linkages with educational institutions in New Zealand. The HEC has thus exchanged scholars from both nations to promote the academic field. According to the open market rate list, the students and professional teachers collaborating in the program need to explore NZD to PKR currency exchange rate.

Inter-Nation Trade

People-to people linkage in business dealings is not vast so far, yet it is progressing enough to develop digital marketing and trade. Consequently, many money transactions take place from NZD to PKR and increasing day by day. New Zealand and Pakistan citizens are keen to work with each other in public and private sectors.

ExchangePKR currency converter

ExchangePKR provides you with an accurate and updated rate list of PKR against other currencies. We strive to calculate the exact and recent currency exchange rate according to the open market rate list. You can easily find out NZD to PKR conversion anytime and anywhere. Either it would help if you found out the payments calculation or remittance calculations; we offer you the most appropriate and reliable rate list.